well peeps, i did another all-nighter :(
do i need sleeping pills? should i risk getting addicted?
well all throughout the night i keep getting paranoid that someone was outside my house. but everytime i checked, it was the wind blowing the garbage cans -__-
why was it so windy?
well i finally learned how to fold turtle origami....and i spent the whole night folding about 200 of them. lol it was like i had nothing else better to do...i could have done hw. well i started...on the first question...idk how i'm going to finish it T-T
argh found out that m,y book was overdue for like 5 days so now i have to give $1.25 to the library >:0
they should have like an email alert two days before the due date of something....but then they need to earn money....w/e
omg the thought of school just makes my head hurt :(
Heys it's Amy :D Unlike true bloggers, i don't update daily, so if you want to, you should totally follow me for my spur-of-the-moment essays :D (yea, i know they get a little long.)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
hi hi hi pplz!
im happy cuz my mom got off work at like 1:00 today :D
anyways i woke up at like 9:45am to watch the disney christmas parade...well more like 9:42 when cerris called, but i was tired. sorry cerris, i was tired so i didn't answer :(
what can i talk about?
o right. the winter jam.
well i wasn't on the list...but i was on the "special not on the list list" with ian and jabir :D
well they were taking so long and only like 150 ppl got in before it was 4:45 so i got to go in!
i was #179 wow. i feel bad about taking someone's spot...o well.
it was ok... like the music was bad and very hard to dance to.
annie was the big surprise. i had no idea she could dance so seductively!!!! well her and rebecca!!!
well we left at like 6 something. when we were walking to the dekalb station...i suddenly remembered that i didn't have my scarf. stupid coat check ppl!!! rawr so now i don't have my scarf! so when alyssa and i were on the train, i found a bottle of water in my bag O.o wtf? so instead of giving me back my scarf they gave me some random person's almost empty bottle of water? that person must have really missed their bottle of water -_-
so onto a less depressing topic...alyssa and _ _ _ _ sitting in a tree. k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
LMAO!!! i'm not going to say anything more. alyssa gonna KILL ME!!!
so happy holidays my peeps!
and someone has got to help me with my chinese hw!!
im happy cuz my mom got off work at like 1:00 today :D
anyways i woke up at like 9:45am to watch the disney christmas parade...well more like 9:42 when cerris called, but i was tired. sorry cerris, i was tired so i didn't answer :(
what can i talk about?
o right. the winter jam.
well i wasn't on the list...but i was on the "special not on the list list" with ian and jabir :D
well they were taking so long and only like 150 ppl got in before it was 4:45 so i got to go in!
i was #179 wow. i feel bad about taking someone's spot...o well.
it was ok... like the music was bad and very hard to dance to.
annie was the big surprise. i had no idea she could dance so seductively!!!! well her and rebecca!!!
well we left at like 6 something. when we were walking to the dekalb station...i suddenly remembered that i didn't have my scarf. stupid coat check ppl!!! rawr so now i don't have my scarf! so when alyssa and i were on the train, i found a bottle of water in my bag O.o wtf? so instead of giving me back my scarf they gave me some random person's almost empty bottle of water? that person must have really missed their bottle of water -_-
so onto a less depressing topic...alyssa and _ _ _ _ sitting in a tree. k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
LMAO!!! i'm not going to say anything more. alyssa gonna KILL ME!!!
so happy holidays my peeps!
and someone has got to help me with my chinese hw!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
just found out alyssa posted the vid of T-ara's Falling U male version. the one i sent her, the one she didn't credit me for T-T !! sending hate towards alyssa. eh i feel better now.
anyways. she made a christmas wishlist, so i was thinking i should make one too? i really should be working on my 5 page research essay and it's 12:38 am right now! w/e. so here's the list.
1. A Watch. i lost mine and now i constantly look at my wrist but then i realize that i don't have a watch anymore T-T.
2. Footie PJ's the ones with the shirt, pants, and shoes connected. idk why i just want one.
3. Slippers/Booties for home. my feet are always cold for some reason.
4. Rings? i like rings ><
what else? im trying to refrain from putting too expensive things on here. but you guys can feel free to chip in and buy me one present though.
5. iHome radio/speakers/ipod charger thingy. yea i know it's expensive and none of you guys are gonna get it for me. but who cares, im putting it anyways.
6. bed warmer or electric blanket. what? my room is always cold even with the heat on!
7. Sephora Gift cards...or any clothing gift cards.
8. Any girly things :D
i know you guys are probably gonna get me cheaper stuff but i don't mind. i'll just get my parents to buy me the more expensive stuff XP thanks a lot you guys.
btw if you're really cheap, a card if ok too, but it has to be a nice card. and if you're making it, at least make it look like you put effort into it. jk, nonetheless, i'll probably still love you...or not? lol.
anyways. she made a christmas wishlist, so i was thinking i should make one too? i really should be working on my 5 page research essay and it's 12:38 am right now! w/e. so here's the list.
1. A Watch. i lost mine and now i constantly look at my wrist but then i realize that i don't have a watch anymore T-T.
2. Footie PJ's the ones with the shirt, pants, and shoes connected. idk why i just want one.
3. Slippers/Booties for home. my feet are always cold for some reason.
4. Rings? i like rings ><
what else? im trying to refrain from putting too expensive things on here. but you guys can feel free to chip in and buy me one present though.
5. iHome radio/speakers/ipod charger thingy. yea i know it's expensive and none of you guys are gonna get it for me. but who cares, im putting it anyways.
6. bed warmer or electric blanket. what? my room is always cold even with the heat on!
7. Sephora Gift cards...or any clothing gift cards.
8. Any girly things :D
i know you guys are probably gonna get me cheaper stuff but i don't mind. i'll just get my parents to buy me the more expensive stuff XP thanks a lot you guys.
btw if you're really cheap, a card if ok too, but it has to be a nice card. and if you're making it, at least make it look like you put effort into it. jk, nonetheless, i'll probably still love you...or not? lol.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
so im gonna do what alyssa did and post up my new schedule. i have 2-9 now!
2- chem (walcott) 1-10 with alyssa, tiffany, victoria, lisa(new friend?), and the guy who wears yellow for two days in a row.
3-gym (litrica) 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 with same ppl above. or chem lab (walcott) 1,6 with same people above.
4-Global (ludwig) 1-10 with tiffany eng (new friend), catherine (new friend?), brandon, and chapman.
5-trig (turner) 1-10 with jaime (new friend)
6-Chinese (OGLE :D) 1-10 with a whole bunch of ppl from last year's chinese class, lin qang (Anita #1...what he prefers to be called?), ivan, lucy, judy wu from first daycare i went to, and Tiffany eng.
7-lunch 1-10with no one im close with. well with tiffany eng, but i just met her.
8-Soph Tech (grosshart again) 1-10 with lily, mabel, anita, jason, james, girl who sits behind me in chinese class, the guy who called jacqueline anna during lunch last year, and jamie.
9-english (perticcione) 1-10 with jason...and maybe edward xue who sits right infront of me, i forget. i don't even think the english teacher does attendence, so idk yet. maybe i should ask?
anyway, i haven't even looked at everyone yet, so some might actually have at least two classes with me and i don't even know it.
2- chem (walcott) 1-10 with alyssa, tiffany, victoria, lisa(new friend?), and the guy who wears yellow for two days in a row.
3-gym (litrica) 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 with same ppl above. or chem lab (walcott) 1,6 with same people above.
4-Global (ludwig) 1-10 with tiffany eng (new friend), catherine (new friend?), brandon, and chapman.
5-trig (turner) 1-10 with jaime (new friend)
6-Chinese (OGLE :D) 1-10 with a whole bunch of ppl from last year's chinese class, lin qang (Anita #1...what he prefers to be called?), ivan, lucy, judy wu from first daycare i went to, and Tiffany eng.
7-lunch 1-10with no one im close with. well with tiffany eng, but i just met her.
8-Soph Tech (grosshart again) 1-10 with lily, mabel, anita, jason, james, girl who sits behind me in chinese class, the guy who called jacqueline anna during lunch last year, and jamie.
9-english (perticcione) 1-10 with jason...and maybe edward xue who sits right infront of me, i forget. i don't even think the english teacher does attendence, so idk yet. maybe i should ask?
anyway, i haven't even looked at everyone yet, so some might actually have at least two classes with me and i don't even know it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
bla bla bla
so hey guys. so i stayed up all night and i finished my sister's keeper. i actually liked the book a lot. heh, it was the only good book that was on our summer reading list. speaking of summer reading list, school is in a 2 days! OMG!!! those tech stairs. oh how i dread them! i'm just worried about the english test that we're supposed to have. i mean how will they test us on the books since we all read different books. Don't tell me they're going to have a test for each book, but taht's the only logical answer. i don't know. i just can't wait till school is over with? hey wouldn't it be great if after i graduate college, i suddenly win the lottery with a ticket that i find on the street? then i could jsut pay off my loans, move to Yellowstone National Park and just be a ranger there? idk what to do with my life!!!!! and they expect me to pick a major by the end of this school year? i'm doomed! i think i'll so bio med, but then again my average for bio was a 70 (stupid harber)! and plus there's going to be a lot of people applying for that major cuz crazy azn parents and wanting their kids to be doctors. i mean my parents are different. im actually surprised that they didn't tell me to be a doctor or lawyer. instead, they told me to ba a pharmacist....wtf? i dont' wanna be the one in a little stuck in the back room counting pills and having to read doctors' handwritings, cuz everyone knows, doctors' handwritings are the worst. if you have sloppy handwriting, you'll know what to be, a DOCTOR!
even if my parents are making me be a doctor, i want to work in a hospital. i love the cleaness and their handsoaps in the bathroom...idk why but i'm obsessed with them. i cna never find any that smells as good and at the same time one that gets rid of baterias too. but my most fav thing about the hospital is the heated blankets!!! i noe i can just get one myself, but it's just not the same as hopital ones. maybe i should be a nurse, they interact with the patients more and they aren't under as much pressure. or i can be an EMT. i noe that will be real hard work, but it just seems so exciting. at one point i was thinking maybe a firefighter, but then agian i will never develop the physical strength to carry all that equipment. hmmm what else? definately not a receptionist or office worker, those are the boring jobs taht most adults complain about. plus being infront of the computer everyday from 9 to 5 can actually kill you. not that us kids arent' doing that, but it's different, because one is for entertainment why the other is hard work and when it's not for fun, it affects your body in a bad way? idk what im talking about. OMG IM RAMBLING AGAIN! yea w/e im bored and i kinda have nothing to do....o well. i guess i should go finish watching a couple of shows i have queued on hulu that will expire soon. until next time :D
so hey guys. so i stayed up all night and i finished my sister's keeper. i actually liked the book a lot. heh, it was the only good book that was on our summer reading list. speaking of summer reading list, school is in a 2 days! OMG!!! those tech stairs. oh how i dread them! i'm just worried about the english test that we're supposed to have. i mean how will they test us on the books since we all read different books. Don't tell me they're going to have a test for each book, but taht's the only logical answer. i don't know. i just can't wait till school is over with? hey wouldn't it be great if after i graduate college, i suddenly win the lottery with a ticket that i find on the street? then i could jsut pay off my loans, move to Yellowstone National Park and just be a ranger there? idk what to do with my life!!!!! and they expect me to pick a major by the end of this school year? i'm doomed! i think i'll so bio med, but then again my average for bio was a 70 (stupid harber)! and plus there's going to be a lot of people applying for that major cuz crazy azn parents and wanting their kids to be doctors. i mean my parents are different. im actually surprised that they didn't tell me to be a doctor or lawyer. instead, they told me to ba a pharmacist....wtf? i dont' wanna be the one in a little stuck in the back room counting pills and having to read doctors' handwritings, cuz everyone knows, doctors' handwritings are the worst. if you have sloppy handwriting, you'll know what to be, a DOCTOR!
even if my parents are making me be a doctor, i want to work in a hospital. i love the cleaness and their handsoaps in the bathroom...idk why but i'm obsessed with them. i cna never find any that smells as good and at the same time one that gets rid of baterias too. but my most fav thing about the hospital is the heated blankets!!! i noe i can just get one myself, but it's just not the same as hopital ones. maybe i should be a nurse, they interact with the patients more and they aren't under as much pressure. or i can be an EMT. i noe that will be real hard work, but it just seems so exciting. at one point i was thinking maybe a firefighter, but then agian i will never develop the physical strength to carry all that equipment. hmmm what else? definately not a receptionist or office worker, those are the boring jobs taht most adults complain about. plus being infront of the computer everyday from 9 to 5 can actually kill you. not that us kids arent' doing that, but it's different, because one is for entertainment why the other is hard work and when it's not for fun, it affects your body in a bad way? idk what im talking about. OMG IM RAMBLING AGAIN! yea w/e im bored and i kinda have nothing to do....o well. i guess i should go finish watching a couple of shows i have queued on hulu that will expire soon. until next time :D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I don't know why, but lately, I'm really starting to like green, a lot! Well the nice green, not the dark greens. Anyways, I'm feeling tired and should be sleeping? I don't know, I didn't sleep the whole night yesterday. This has become very common. there would be days where I just can't sleep at all, no matter how tired I make myself. Is it because I worry too much?
I have never been the type of sleeper that fall asleep immediately after my head hits the pillow. I guess you can call me a thinker/worrier. I think the quickest that I remember falling asleep is around 30 minutes after I go to bed, and that's when I'm really tired.
Will I become one of those adults who will have to take sleeping pills, eventually relying on it, and therefore becoming addicted to it?
I like to think of myself as a night person. I mean I always stay up late and I hate getting up in the morning, but now that I've experienced the mornings right before sunrise, I've been growing rather fond of it. I love that cold breath of fresh air in the mornings. The sound of birds, planes, and the gas station pumps give off a very comforting sense of home and awakening. I've been living here for almost eight years, and I'm finally notice these little details that I would otherwise never have known even occurred. I think I might actually like the mornings more than the nights. But since I can never sleep early, it's going to be really hard to be both a night and a morning person.
But I think that being a morning person will definately bring me closer to my surroundings and will definately make me a healthier person. Afterall, people are supposed to sleep at night and wake up in the morning right? Currently, I'm staying up till like 6 or 7 in the morning then going to sleep and waking up at 6 at night. That's like my whole day gone already. Yea sure, you're supposed to sleep i during the summer vacation, but I think i stay in the house too much. Once I retire, or if possible, after I get married to the one I love, we can travel the world together. If that doesn't work out, don't worry, I still have other dreams that I want to fulfill ;D
eh, I'm just going to stop rambling now. Good Night people, or should I say Good Morning? Either way, just enjoy life :D
I have never been the type of sleeper that fall asleep immediately after my head hits the pillow. I guess you can call me a thinker/worrier. I think the quickest that I remember falling asleep is around 30 minutes after I go to bed, and that's when I'm really tired.
Will I become one of those adults who will have to take sleeping pills, eventually relying on it, and therefore becoming addicted to it?
I like to think of myself as a night person. I mean I always stay up late and I hate getting up in the morning, but now that I've experienced the mornings right before sunrise, I've been growing rather fond of it. I love that cold breath of fresh air in the mornings. The sound of birds, planes, and the gas station pumps give off a very comforting sense of home and awakening. I've been living here for almost eight years, and I'm finally notice these little details that I would otherwise never have known even occurred. I think I might actually like the mornings more than the nights. But since I can never sleep early, it's going to be really hard to be both a night and a morning person.
But I think that being a morning person will definately bring me closer to my surroundings and will definately make me a healthier person. Afterall, people are supposed to sleep at night and wake up in the morning right? Currently, I'm staying up till like 6 or 7 in the morning then going to sleep and waking up at 6 at night. That's like my whole day gone already. Yea sure, you're supposed to sleep i during the summer vacation, but I think i stay in the house too much. Once I retire, or if possible, after I get married to the one I love, we can travel the world together. If that doesn't work out, don't worry, I still have other dreams that I want to fulfill ;D
eh, I'm just going to stop rambling now. Good Night people, or should I say Good Morning? Either way, just enjoy life :D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hey guys. Long time no post. The only reason i went on today is all Alyssa's fault! She didn't tell me about her "new" bf, and when i asked her, she said it was on her blog! That girl blogs too much. Seriously like 4 posts in one day. Anyways, i wish her nothing but the best. :D
It sucks being stuck in the house. But i'll be free soon. After i go back for the check up and the doctor says it's fine, i can go anywhere! well not anywhere, but you know what i mean.
I just can't wait to go to the street fair that down the block!!! Alyssa's coming for sure. I think Mabel is too. We want more people, preferably in Brooklyn/Bensonhurst, so people don't have take a long time getting home. We are going at like 6 p.m. to like late at night. i wanna ride every single ride! including the baby ones. ok maybe not the baby ones. i rather waste my money on the games and win some stuffed animals :D. you can never have too many stuffed animals. ^^
maybe we can buy those big cups of fruity drinks. If you buy the large size, you can get free refills!!! so we can all just split!
Better start inviting people now....
ttyl....or within a year.
hahah good bye for now.
Hey guys. Long time no post. The only reason i went on today is all Alyssa's fault! She didn't tell me about her "new" bf, and when i asked her, she said it was on her blog! That girl blogs too much. Seriously like 4 posts in one day. Anyways, i wish her nothing but the best. :D
It sucks being stuck in the house. But i'll be free soon. After i go back for the check up and the doctor says it's fine, i can go anywhere! well not anywhere, but you know what i mean.
I just can't wait to go to the street fair that down the block!!! Alyssa's coming for sure. I think Mabel is too. We want more people, preferably in Brooklyn/Bensonhurst, so people don't have take a long time getting home. We are going at like 6 p.m. to like late at night. i wanna ride every single ride! including the baby ones. ok maybe not the baby ones. i rather waste my money on the games and win some stuffed animals :D. you can never have too many stuffed animals. ^^
maybe we can buy those big cups of fruity drinks. If you buy the large size, you can get free refills!!! so we can all just split!
Better start inviting people now....
ttyl....or within a year.
hahah good bye for now.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
haven't blogged in like forever....more like a month. well i've been busy. finals week this week.
i seriously need to finish the penguin chess set!!!! i am not even close to finishing the pawn!! o well now im smooching off of anita. hey at least i made the feet!!!
so yea, gotta go work on it. so much work. so stressful....that means MORE pimples!!!!
A'ST1 <3...o and ss501 too :D
i seriously need to finish the penguin chess set!!!! i am not even close to finishing the pawn!! o well now im smooching off of anita. hey at least i made the feet!!!
so yea, gotta go work on it. so much work. so stressful....that means MORE pimples!!!!
A'ST1 <3...o and ss501 too :D
Monday, May 18, 2009
hey hey hey hey!!!
so we're supposed to have a quiz in ddp today...idk. confusing. it's not on the do now so idk.
OMG chinese test next period!!...well next next. ddp is two periods!
so im just here trying to finish my chess piece. w/e .
kinda hungry.
DAMN I WISH A'ST1 could come to america!!!! best if it were in ny. i really wanna go to one of their concerts!!! maybe they could have a fanmeeting!!!!
A'ST1 FOREVER <3 !!!
so we're supposed to have a quiz in ddp today...idk. confusing. it's not on the do now so idk.
OMG chinese test next period!!...well next next. ddp is two periods!
so im just here trying to finish my chess piece. w/e .
kinda hungry.
DAMN I WISH A'ST1 could come to america!!!! best if it were in ny. i really wanna go to one of their concerts!!! maybe they could have a fanmeeting!!!!
A'ST1 FOREVER <3 !!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
omg so we had gym yesterday.
we have outdoor track, so he made us run around the circles multiple times! is he trying to kill us? afterwards, he asks us if that felt good? HELL NO! today everyone's aching all over. the funny thing was that jack came in late. his reason? he overslept! hahahahhaha. i wish i didn't have to come to school today. my hamstrings are killing me!!!!
muscles are aching all over. it especially hurt when i walk down the stair. and i have DDP!!! so that means that i have to walk up to the 6th floor later! argh. why the hell would we have ddp in the basement then chinese on the sixth floor with 4 minutes to get there?
this is bs!
w/e almost time to go...walk up those stairs....
A'ST1 forever :D
we have outdoor track, so he made us run around the circles multiple times! is he trying to kill us? afterwards, he asks us if that felt good? HELL NO! today everyone's aching all over. the funny thing was that jack came in late. his reason? he overslept! hahahahhaha. i wish i didn't have to come to school today. my hamstrings are killing me!!!!
muscles are aching all over. it especially hurt when i walk down the stair. and i have DDP!!! so that means that i have to walk up to the 6th floor later! argh. why the hell would we have ddp in the basement then chinese on the sixth floor with 4 minutes to get there?
this is bs!
w/e almost time to go...walk up those stairs....
A'ST1 forever :D
Friday, May 8, 2009

(From left to right) Jungjin, Tomoki, JANGMOON, Haiming, Ingyu, Hanbyul <3
OMG!!!! even though i've known about A'ST1 for a while....I'm obbessed with it now!!!
They have awesome vocals and there is not one song that i don't like!
my favorite would have to be DYNAMITE!!!!!!!!!!
Jangmoon is super duper hot!!!!!! <<<
I didn't really like in the beginning Jungjin, but in the DYNAMITE mv, he looked especially hot :D
Haiming should be able to sing more. He has a nice voice, i just hope his korean was better so he will get more lines. ^ btw, he played JiHoo's gay friend in BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS!!
Hanbyul is so cute and adorable!!! i love his voice!
Ingyu looks nice in the Dynamite mv too!!! that's an understatement! I mean HOT HOT HOT!!!
Tomoki is my least favorite, but i still like him ^.^
1234 BACK!
^ other good songs! :D
Thursday, April 30, 2009
ddp test next period. for some reason im not freaking out.....
o well, i guess it's cause im tired....really tired.
so the mr. and ms. tech competition is today. i mean seriously...why thursday. it should really be tomorrow. o well, i feel like going but im so tired. it ends at 8 and i have to do global homework, which is 1, 2, 3, AND 4!!!
ew. i have like 15 minutes to study, that is if i really care. and right now i don't. i guess i should look it over.... yea i think i will...maybe. idk!!! argh. life is so stressful.
ddp test next period. for some reason im not freaking out.....
o well, i guess it's cause im tired....really tired.
so the mr. and ms. tech competition is today. i mean seriously...why thursday. it should really be tomorrow. o well, i feel like going but im so tired. it ends at 8 and i have to do global homework, which is 1, 2, 3, AND 4!!!
ew. i have like 15 minutes to study, that is if i really care. and right now i don't. i guess i should look it over.... yea i think i will...maybe. idk!!! argh. life is so stressful.
Monday, April 20, 2009
had the greek morphemes test today. it was ok, i wasn't too sure about 4 questions. o well i don't really care anymore.
idk why, but i only slept 3 hours, but when my mom woke up...which is like 15 minutes before i usually wake up, i woke up too and i didn't even feel tired.
it's so weird!!! the more i sleep the least willing i am to wake up.
eww we gotta do this sheet now.
so bye bye.
had the greek morphemes test today. it was ok, i wasn't too sure about 4 questions. o well i don't really care anymore.
idk why, but i only slept 3 hours, but when my mom woke up...which is like 15 minutes before i usually wake up, i woke up too and i didn't even feel tired.
it's so weird!!! the more i sleep the least willing i am to wake up.
eww we gotta do this sheet now.
so bye bye.
Friday, March 20, 2009
in ddp.
we're doing this miniature train thingy....w/e
we didn't get our report cards yet, but i kinda know my grades already.
for global i have a 90.
for english i have a 92!!!!! <---omg!!!
for geometry...idk yet. but i got a 48 out of 100 on that test. stupid careless mistakes! #1 was same as #3 but switched. #2 was same as #4 but switched.
stupid me. i thought they were exactly the same. o well. it's just a quiz.
ddp i have a 95.7 i think.
omg!!! not looking forward to bio. ...well i never look forward to bio.
maybe today might be differet. if he let us work on the group project the whole period, that would be nice.
im THE BOBCATS. with pui lam and vionna. we were supposed to be with haitham too, but in the beginning of the period, i was sitting in his seat, so he sat somewhere else. so we are the only group with 3 people. o well. i got smart people in my group.
Our subject is the control of gene e-something. i forgot.
damn! if only i were home! so sleepy right now!
maybe a little hungry too.
we're doing this miniature train thingy....w/e
we didn't get our report cards yet, but i kinda know my grades already.
for global i have a 90.
for english i have a 92!!!!! <---omg!!!
for geometry...idk yet. but i got a 48 out of 100 on that test. stupid careless mistakes! #1 was same as #3 but switched. #2 was same as #4 but switched.
stupid me. i thought they were exactly the same. o well. it's just a quiz.
ddp i have a 95.7 i think.
omg!!! not looking forward to bio. ...well i never look forward to bio.
maybe today might be differet. if he let us work on the group project the whole period, that would be nice.
im THE BOBCATS. with pui lam and vionna. we were supposed to be with haitham too, but in the beginning of the period, i was sitting in his seat, so he sat somewhere else. so we are the only group with 3 people. o well. i got smart people in my group.
Our subject is the control of gene e-something. i forgot.
damn! if only i were home! so sleepy right now!
maybe a little hungry too.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
this is so boring.
just had a math test. i think i did pretty good.
except for #7.
something with a perpendicular triangle.
o well, if i got everything else right ill still have a 95%. ^^
alyssa is ooooing me cuz im blogging.........
she's gonna go on later too so idk what she's ooooing at.
anita gave me cupcake today.
for valentine's day.
i feel bad.
i think maybe i should have gotten candy.....
o well.
so now im done with wars of the inlaws
im watching wars of the inlaws 2
i still thiink the first one was better but o well.
i tried to download the ones that vionna recommended, but it was 5 hours just to download the first episode of sweetness in the salt.
awesome! today is friday.
then the whole next week no school cuz of president's day!!!!
more dramas for me :DDDDD!
so bye bye for now.
this is so boring.
just had a math test. i think i did pretty good.
except for #7.
something with a perpendicular triangle.
o well, if i got everything else right ill still have a 95%. ^^
alyssa is ooooing me cuz im blogging.........
she's gonna go on later too so idk what she's ooooing at.
anita gave me cupcake today.
for valentine's day.
i feel bad.
i think maybe i should have gotten candy.....
o well.
so now im done with wars of the inlaws
im watching wars of the inlaws 2
i still thiink the first one was better but o well.
i tried to download the ones that vionna recommended, but it was 5 hours just to download the first episode of sweetness in the salt.
awesome! today is friday.
then the whole next week no school cuz of president's day!!!!
more dramas for me :DDDDD!
so bye bye for now.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
anita and i are trying to sign in to aim express....not working.
i don't like this computer. i think it's kinda broken. it won't log on and everytime i come in, the switch is turned off.
anyways, im watching this series from 2005.
it's wars of in-laws. it's do funny. by far my favorite. but i haven't watch many, so can't really say anything about that. hahaha ^^
eh, whatever. i guess ill go pay attention now.
anita and i are trying to sign in to aim express....not working.
i don't like this computer. i think it's kinda broken. it won't log on and everytime i come in, the switch is turned off.
anyways, im watching this series from 2005.
it's wars of in-laws. it's do funny. by far my favorite. but i haven't watch many, so can't really say anything about that. hahaha ^^
eh, whatever. i guess ill go pay attention now.
Friday, February 6, 2009
hey! so I'm here at ddp....
with Michelle and Claudia. Anita, Ian, and Deanna's here too :D
so i really need to catch up on my work, but good thing i have Michelle here with me!
she is like an expert on dimensioning!!!!!!!
she's more of a help than Xinting, no offense.
Xinting just does it for me, and i don't really learn. but Michelle actually teaches me!
but still thanks to both of them. i don't know what I'm gonna do without them.
so my mom finally is letting me take swimming lessons!!!!
I'm gonna drag Michelle with me.
I'm probably gonna be the oldest student there on the first level!!!! talk about embarrassing!
yea back to work for me
talk to you guys on Monday :D
with Michelle and Claudia. Anita, Ian, and Deanna's here too :D
so i really need to catch up on my work, but good thing i have Michelle here with me!
she is like an expert on dimensioning!!!!!!!
she's more of a help than Xinting, no offense.
Xinting just does it for me, and i don't really learn. but Michelle actually teaches me!
but still thanks to both of them. i don't know what I'm gonna do without them.
so my mom finally is letting me take swimming lessons!!!!
I'm gonna drag Michelle with me.
I'm probably gonna be the oldest student there on the first level!!!! talk about embarrassing!
yea back to work for me
talk to you guys on Monday :D
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
i wanna pay attention, but he's making it really hard for me to do that.
so ive got good and bad news.
bad news is that ms. ogle's son(Robert) died. i feel bad for her. i wonder if she's at school today?
im asking Anita to help me buy flowers for her.
on a happier note....
got report cards today
i improved. first marking period i got 89.1%
second i got 85.92%
and now i got 88.72%
yay...not as good as first but still ok.
and i got a 97 in bio lab haahaha highest grade.
lowest is 80 in geometry.
finally got a 90 for ddp. last time i had a 89.l4% and he gave me an 85%!!!!!
i thi nk the bell's gonna ring.
bye bye for now.
i wanna pay attention, but he's making it really hard for me to do that.
so ive got good and bad news.
bad news is that ms. ogle's son(Robert) died. i feel bad for her. i wonder if she's at school today?
im asking Anita to help me buy flowers for her.
on a happier note....
got report cards today
i improved. first marking period i got 89.1%
second i got 85.92%
and now i got 88.72%
yay...not as good as first but still ok.
and i got a 97 in bio lab haahaha highest grade.
lowest is 80 in geometry.
finally got a 90 for ddp. last time i had a 89.l4% and he gave me an 85%!!!!!
i thi nk the bell's gonna ring.
bye bye for now.
Friday, January 23, 2009
ddp. my new least favorite class!
i was supposed to have a 90 average for ddp, but the naviance thingy didn't send me a freaken welcome email! so now i have a 89.7 average! are you freaken kidding me?
took th3e global final....hard. it's all multiple choice/true or false. i hate those because if i have the right answer i always manage to convince myself that another answer is "more right." -_-
i didn't bring my ddp cubes today, so yea......i guess it's another 0 for me.
omg...............................argh! i have no idea what we are supposed to do for this stupid class. too much work! i don't think that i'll have to know how to do whatever the heck we're doing in the future, because my future does not include technical drawing!!!!!
damn, i seriously think that in the future, you go to school until middle school, because everything els you learn in high school is basically useless. Then pick your career, and go to a certain amount of years of school depending on your job. cuz it's kinda useless knowing how to prove what two triangles are congruent if you're just gonna be a waiter or a photographer, or a marine biologist, or anything like that.
i was supposed to have a 90 average for ddp, but the naviance thingy didn't send me a freaken welcome email! so now i have a 89.7 average! are you freaken kidding me?
took th3e global final....hard. it's all multiple choice/true or false. i hate those because if i have the right answer i always manage to convince myself that another answer is "more right." -_-
i didn't bring my ddp cubes today, so yea......i guess it's another 0 for me.
omg...............................argh! i have no idea what we are supposed to do for this stupid class. too much work! i don't think that i'll have to know how to do whatever the heck we're doing in the future, because my future does not include technical drawing!!!!!
damn, i seriously think that in the future, you go to school until middle school, because everything els you learn in high school is basically useless. Then pick your career, and go to a certain amount of years of school depending on your job. cuz it's kinda useless knowing how to prove what two triangles are congruent if you're just gonna be a waiter or a photographer, or a marine biologist, or anything like that.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
ddp tutoring! hahaha! actually today is for ppl who have 75 average and below........shhhhh don't tell anyone!
anyways. here with ian and tony....waiting for ms bazin to finish with her meeting......
bored, actually im helping ian make his pieces for his cubes.
beep beep! coming through! :D
anyways. here with ian and tony....waiting for ms bazin to finish with her meeting......
bored, actually im helping ian make his pieces for his cubes.
beep beep! coming through! :D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
beep beep ddp
got the quiz back.........
i got 3 wrong on the multiple choice. number 11, 19, and 22.
o well
the thing i have the most problem with is the drawing part...which is now extra credit.
i wouldve gotten 13 out of 13, but for the circles ....there are 3 three of them, i didn't make the lines long enough, so now i have a 11.5!!!!!!!!
damn it!
math final day 1....i thinki got a 60! i failed!
omg! tomorrow is friday!!!:D
i don't think im gonna help ms bazin today or tomorrow! too cold.
oooo btw...forgot to tell, ninja is also know as tissue whore now...hahhaha he is such a tissue whore!
kinda like me....but sometimes i feel guilty and i don't take htat much. others need tissue too!
yes! 4th period's over!
btw it was snowing today!!!^.^
so bored i really wanna sleep right now.
sally and helen invited me on ooVoo.com. something like that. im gonna check it out...later.
alyssa is sitting in xinting's seat!
she's blogging too :D
...........i gotta make my posts shorter!
beep beep
my new way to say hi and bye on my blog.
hahahha ^_^
got the quiz back.........
i got 3 wrong on the multiple choice. number 11, 19, and 22.
o well
the thing i have the most problem with is the drawing part...which is now extra credit.
i wouldve gotten 13 out of 13, but for the circles ....there are 3 three of them, i didn't make the lines long enough, so now i have a 11.5!!!!!!!!
damn it!
math final day 1....i thinki got a 60! i failed!
omg! tomorrow is friday!!!:D
i don't think im gonna help ms bazin today or tomorrow! too cold.
oooo btw...forgot to tell, ninja is also know as tissue whore now...hahhaha he is such a tissue whore!
kinda like me....but sometimes i feel guilty and i don't take htat much. others need tissue too!
yes! 4th period's over!
btw it was snowing today!!!^.^
so bored i really wanna sleep right now.
sally and helen invited me on ooVoo.com. something like that. im gonna check it out...later.
alyssa is sitting in xinting's seat!
she's blogging too :D
...........i gotta make my posts shorter!
beep beep
my new way to say hi and bye on my blog.
hahahha ^_^
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
at ddp..........
he's going on about some drawing crap...............i don't wanna not pay attention, cuz them idk what to do....but it's really hard....he'a so freaken boring!
stupid finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so on the 15 is day one for goemetry....
21 is english and bio
22 is math day 2 and chinese
23 is global.......
then on the 27 is the ddp one.
im gonna be sick! all these finals!
i asked ms bazin if we were gonna have a bio lab final. and she said of course..in a way that it seemed like i was stupid for asking. but i have no idea when she's gonna give it............if she's gonna give it, we have her tomorrow and on tuesday.....and that's not a final day. it's stupid, we have a bio final. why do we need a bio LAB final?
ewww ddp quiz later! im gonna fail!
speaking of fail, i got a 170 out of 200 for the math "quest"! that's an 85. each question was 5 points each. and i got 3 wrong.....sucks!
psh...better work on ddp stuff now...dont wanna be more behind than i already am!
bye bye :D
he's going on about some drawing crap...............i don't wanna not pay attention, cuz them idk what to do....but it's really hard....he'a so freaken boring!
stupid finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so on the 15 is day one for goemetry....
21 is english and bio
22 is math day 2 and chinese
23 is global.......
then on the 27 is the ddp one.
im gonna be sick! all these finals!
i asked ms bazin if we were gonna have a bio lab final. and she said of course..in a way that it seemed like i was stupid for asking. but i have no idea when she's gonna give it............if she's gonna give it, we have her tomorrow and on tuesday.....and that's not a final day. it's stupid, we have a bio final. why do we need a bio LAB final?
ewww ddp quiz later! im gonna fail!
speaking of fail, i got a 170 out of 200 for the math "quest"! that's an 85. each question was 5 points each. and i got 3 wrong.....sucks!
psh...better work on ddp stuff now...dont wanna be more behind than i already am!
bye bye :D
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
doing some kinda of orthographic projection with circular features....
ahahha im eating dumplings that my mommy made for my "breakfast".
i hope he doesn't notice....
dumplings are kinda cold now.
on the train there were steam coming out! ahahahaha
bored again
so pissed! i thought i was gonna have the day off on chinese new year!
argh stupid man whole changed the schedule!
dot dot dot
ewww i dont wanna draw taht! too much work
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 8:32 Instructional Period
2 8:36 9:36 EXAMS
3 9:40 10:12 Instructional Period (& attendance)
4 10:16 10:48 Instructional Period
5 10:52 11:52 EXAMS
6 11:56 12:28 Instructional Period
7 12:32 1:04 Instructional Period
8 1:08 2:08 EXAMS
9 2:12 2:44 Instructional Period
10 2:48 3:20 Instructional Period
Friday, January 23, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 8:32 Instructional Period
2 8:36 9:08 Instructional Period
3 9:12 10:12 EXAMS (& attendance)
4 10:16 10:48 Instructional Period
5 10:52 11:24 Instructional Period
6 11:28 12:28 EXAMS
7 12:32 1:04 Instructional Period
8 1:08 1:40 Instructional Period
9 1:44 2:44 EXAMS
10 2:48 3:20 Instructional Period
Monday, January 26, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 9:00 EXAMS
2 9:04 9:31 Instructional Period
3 9:35 10:02 Instructional Period (& attendance)
4 10:06 11:06 EXAMS
5 11:10 11:37 Instructional Period
6 11:41 12:08 Instructional Period
7 12:12 1:12 EXAMS
8 1:16 1:43 Instructional Period
9 1:47 2:14 Instructional Period
10 2:18 3:18 EXAMS
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Freshman Technology 9:15 10:45
great! at least i don't have 9th period! one less exam! :D it think.....does chorus have a final?
susmita says yea....hahahha i was right.
-_-" bye! :D
doing some kinda of orthographic projection with circular features....
ahahha im eating dumplings that my mommy made for my "breakfast".
i hope he doesn't notice....
dumplings are kinda cold now.
on the train there were steam coming out! ahahahaha
bored again
so pissed! i thought i was gonna have the day off on chinese new year!
argh stupid man whole changed the schedule!
dot dot dot
ewww i dont wanna draw taht! too much work
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 8:32 Instructional Period
2 8:36 9:36 EXAMS
3 9:40 10:12 Instructional Period (& attendance)
4 10:16 10:48 Instructional Period
5 10:52 11:52 EXAMS
6 11:56 12:28 Instructional Period
7 12:32 1:04 Instructional Period
8 1:08 2:08 EXAMS
9 2:12 2:44 Instructional Period
10 2:48 3:20 Instructional Period
Friday, January 23, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 8:32 Instructional Period
2 8:36 9:08 Instructional Period
3 9:12 10:12 EXAMS (& attendance)
4 10:16 10:48 Instructional Period
5 10:52 11:24 Instructional Period
6 11:28 12:28 EXAMS
7 12:32 1:04 Instructional Period
8 1:08 1:40 Instructional Period
9 1:44 2:44 EXAMS
10 2:48 3:20 Instructional Period
Monday, January 26, 2009
Period Begins Period Ends
Period 1 8:00 9:00 EXAMS
2 9:04 9:31 Instructional Period
3 9:35 10:02 Instructional Period (& attendance)
4 10:06 11:06 EXAMS
5 11:10 11:37 Instructional Period
6 11:41 12:08 Instructional Period
7 12:12 1:12 EXAMS
8 1:16 1:43 Instructional Period
9 1:47 2:14 Instructional Period
10 2:18 3:18 EXAMS
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Freshman Technology 9:15 10:45
great! at least i don't have 9th period! one less exam! :D it think.....does chorus have a final?
susmita says yea....hahahha i was right.
-_-" bye! :D
Monday, January 5, 2009
oh susmita reminded me!
my new year resolutions are...
1. try to do really really really really really good in skool!
2. try to blog more often...this is the closest ill ever be to keeping a diary!
3. take better care of my skin!!!!! acne sux! btw..i really wanna get the skiniD thingy. im 7, 40, 32.
4. make a schedule to follow, in order to do better in skool.
5. Get jacki to make a blog!
6. TRY TO GET NINJA!!!!!!!!!! T-T
speaking about ninja...saw him in the hallway!!!! came out of 6c2 after 1st period! now i know for sure that he has a first period. He walks slow...like he's pondering or something...i like that! :D
my new year resolutions are...
1. try to do really really really really really good in skool!
2. try to blog more often...this is the closest ill ever be to keeping a diary!
3. take better care of my skin!!!!! acne sux! btw..i really wanna get the skiniD thingy. im 7, 40, 32.
4. make a schedule to follow, in order to do better in skool.
5. Get jacki to make a blog!
6. TRY TO GET NINJA!!!!!!!!!! T-T
speaking about ninja...saw him in the hallway!!!! came out of 6c2 after 1st period! now i know for sure that he has a first period. He walks slow...like he's pondering or something...i like that! :D
ewws! i think the only time im gonna post now is when im in ddp....-_-
so yea......first day back...not loving it...it's ok. i barely slept last night!
i was basically drifting in and out of sleep the whole time. and that only started at around 2 something. my feet were so freaken cold. like they are dead...
omg test? quiz? on friday? what?
gonna fail seriously!
i wonder if claudia untangled the necklace i gave her yet.
bored -_-
so yea......first day back...not loving it...it's ok. i barely slept last night!
i was basically drifting in and out of sleep the whole time. and that only started at around 2 something. my feet were so freaken cold. like they are dead...
omg test? quiz? on friday? what?
gonna fail seriously!
i wonder if claudia untangled the necklace i gave her yet.
bored -_-
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